Optimizing Rumen Genetics for More Healthy, Productive and Sustainable Cows

We are experts in the genetic makeup of the rumen microbiome. This expertise led to the development of Galaxis Frontier - the only product made with microbes that are native to the rumen. Feeding the product increases the abundance of the most important microbes in the cow’s rumen, resulting in optimized digestion for more energy. And more energy means more of what lactating cows do best.

Trial Tested
We’ve worked with the leading academic and independent researchers to validate the impact and value of feeding Galaxis™ Frontier to dairy herds. These results have been confirmed through many on-farm trials.
9 Completed Trials
On Farm:
>50 Trials Encompassing >60,000 Cows

We’re a family operation that feeds about 70% Jersey and 30% Holstein. We’ve been feeding Galaxis Frontier to the whole herd for 8-months and our production is up 4 lbs. of ECM. We’re also seeing an improvement in feed efficiency, and our income-over-feed is up $0.34 per cow per day.
Cornell Kasbergen
Rancho Teresita Dairy
Tulare, CA

After a 6-month trial we saw a 5 lbs. improvement in milk production and a little bit of a bump in Feed Efficiency. Now we've been on it for 3 years, and we have seen a consistent milk improvement of 5 lbs. and the later lactation cows have really done well. The usage of this product improves income over feed cost.
Gregory Fernandes
Fern Oaks Farms
Porterville, CA

Galaxis Frontier has improved our feed efficiency by 0.10. It's not just about the numbers; it's about the health and well-being of our herd. And that, to us, is priceless.
Gerrit and Adrianna Roeloffs
G & A Dairy
Fresno, CA

At the end of our six month trial we were able to see a little bit over 3 pounds of energy corrected milk and .07 lbs increased feed efficiency.
Jacob de Jong
Parkview Dairy
Delhi, CA

With Galaxis Frontier we did a 26 week trial and it went excellent. We saw a 3.6 lb increase in energy corrected milk, a .09 pound of butter fat increase, a .09 increase in feed efficiency and we expect to see a 5 -7 lb increase in energy corrected milk throughout the whole lactation since it was only a 26 week trial.
Louis Tristao
Tri-Star Dairy
Tulare, CA

Every day you're not using Galaxis Frontier is a day that you're not making as much money.
John Verwey
Johann Dairy
Fresno, CA

The data showed that we increased over 5 lbs. of milk and we were plus on fat and protein. Feed intake was down a little bit—we were more efficient. What I would say to other dairymen about Galaxis Frontier is, give it a try and watch the results.
Hank Doelman
James Road Dairy
Rochester, WA

To any dairyman not using Galaxis Frontier, I'd tell them to give it a try. We've seen ROI on it and the trials have been very repeatable with a lot of data behind it.
Brian Visser
Bar 20 Dairy Manager

With Galaxis Frontier we’ve seen a 5.5 lb increase in energy-corrected milk and a 0.5 point increase in feed efficiency.
EJ De Jong
Wreden Ranch
Hanford, CA

We had more milk in July than we had in June and more milk in August than we had in July and if you look at my lactation graph in the first year I used it I actually peaked out in December with continuous increased milk.
Jared Fernandes
Legacy Ranches
Pixley, CA

What I’d say to a dairyman that is not using Galaxis Frontier is clean and simple: at the minimum, you're making an extra $0.70 per head per day, and that's after the cost of the product. If you're getting your 5 lbs., you're looking upwards of an extra $1.00 per head per day, and in today's economy and efficiency factors coming into play more than ever, how can you not?
Garrison Fernandes
Legendairy West,
Managing Partner
Tipton, CA

Feeding Galaxis Frontier enables us to keep the rumens much healthier and the cows just do better. We are up 6-7 lbs. in ECM and overall feed efficiency has also improved.
Mal Machado
Providence Dairy,
Buhl, Idaho

Over the past 5 years we've been around 83-85 lbs. ECM and a 1.68 FE. At the end of this trial, we saw a 2.5 lbs. increase across the average of the trial, and at the end the cows were ~5 lbs. ECM above the control pens, which increased our FE to 1.72. If you're a progressive dairyman who wants to improve your herd and how you feed, look into this product.
Brent Wickstrom
Wickstrom Jersey Farms,
Hilmar, CA

We ran a 20-week trial in 2021 and during this period we gained 3.7 lbs. of Energy Corrected Milk and our Feed Efficiency increased by 0.12. We continue to use Galaxis Frontier because it works.
Mark Ahlem
Hilmar Jersey Farms,
Hilmar, CA

Since starting on Galaxis Frontier our cows are eating less and making more milk, and we’ve seen a 15-20% reduction in culls. The product is generated a 3X rate of return.
Tony Louters
T & C Louters Dairy
Merced, CA

"We’re a family operation that feeds about 70% Jersey and 30% Holstein. We’ve been feeding Galaxis Frontier to the whole herd for 8-months and our production is up 4 lbs. of ECM. We’re also seeing an improvement in feed efficiency, and our income-over-feed is up $0.34 per cow per day."
Cornell Kasbergen
Rancho Teresita Dairy
Tulare, CA

"After a 6-month trial we saw a 5 lbs. improvement in milk production and a little bit of a bump in Feed Efficiency. Now we've been on it for 3 years, and we have a seen a consistent milk improvement of 5 lbs. and the later lactation cows have really done well. The usage of this product improves income over feed cost."
Gregory Fernandes
Fern Oaks Farms
Porterville, CA

"Galaxis Frontier has improved our feed efficiency by 0.10. It's not just about the numbers; it's about the health and well-being of our herd. And that, to us, is priceless."
Gerrit and Adrianna Roelofs
G&A Dairy
Fresno, CA

At the end of our six month trial we were able to see a little bit over 3 pounds of energy corrected milk and .07 lbs increased feed efficiency.
Jacob de Jong
Parkview Dairy
Delhi, CA

"With Galaxis Frontier we did a 26 week trial and it went excellent. We saw a 3.6 lb increase in energy corrected milk, a .09 pound of butter fat increase, a .09 increase in feed efficiency and we expect to see a 5 -7 lb increase in energy corrected milk throughout the whole lactation since it was only a 26 week trial."
Louis Tristo
Tri-Star Dairy
Tulare, CA

"Every day you're not using Galaxis Frontier is a day that you're not making as much money."
John Verwey
Johann Dairy
Fresno, CA

"The data showed that we increased over 5 lbs. of milk and we were plus on fat and protein. Feed intake was down a little bit—we were more efficient. What I would say to other dairymen about Galaxis Frontier is, give it a try and watch the results."
Hank Doelman
James Road Dairy
Rochester, WA

"To any dairyman not using Galaxis Frontier, I'd tell them to give it a try. We've seen ROI on it and the trials have been very repeatable with a lot of data behind it."
Brian Visser
Bar 20 Dairy Manager

“With Galaxis Frontier we’ve seen a 5.5 lb increase in energy-corrected milk and a 0.5 point increase in feed efficiency.”
EJ De Jong
Wreden Ranch

“We had more milk in July than we had in June and more milk in August than we had in July and if you look at my lactation graph in the first year I used it I actually peaked out in December with continuous increased milk. “
Jared Fernandes
Legacy Ranches
Pixley, CA

"What I’d say to a dairyman that is not using Galaxis Frontier is clean and simple: at the minimum, you're making an extra $0.70 per head per day, and that's after the cost of the product. If you're getting your 5 lbs., you're looking upwards of an extra $1.00 per head per day, and in today's economy and efficiency factors coming into play more than ever, how can you not?"
Garrison Fernandes
Legendairy West, Managing Partner
Tipton, CA

“Feeding Galaxis Frontier enables us to keep the rumens much healthier and the cows just do better. We are up 6-7 lbs. in ECM and overall feed efficiency has also improved.”
Mal Machado
Providence Dairy,
Buhl, Idaho

“Over the past 5 years we've been around 83-85 lbs. ECM and a 1.68 FE. At the end of this trial, we saw a 2.5 lbs. increase across the average of the trial, and at the end the cows were ~5 lbs. ECM above the control pens, which increased our FE to 1.72. If you're a progressive dairyman who wants to improve your herd and how you feed, look into this product.”
Brent Wickstrom
Wickstrom Jersey Farms,
Hilmar, CA

“We ran a 20-week trial in 2021 and during this period we gained 3.7 lbs. of Energy Corrected Milk and our Feed Efficiency increased by 0.12. We continue to use Galaxis Frontier because it works.”
Mark Ahlem
Hilmar Jersey Farms,
Hilmar, CA

“Since starting on Galaxis Frontier our cows are eating less and making more milk, and we’ve seen a 15-20% reduction in culls. The product is generated a 3X rate of return.”
Tony Louters
T & C Louters Dairy
Merced, CA

Simply add to your existing ration and feed for the entire lactation period. Feed as top dress, partial or total mix ration. No withdrawal period required. Always read and
follow label directions.
No Chill
Patented preservation and encapsulation technologies stabilize and preserve live microbes. No refrigeration required.
Conveniently Sized
Available in 10 kg bags.
Note: Contains a source of live (viable) naturally occurring microorganisms for the further manufacture of dairy cattle feed.
Galaxis is protected by one or more of the following Patent No(s): -- 10,398,154; 10,448,657; 10,645,952; 10,448,658;
9,993,507; 10,293,006; 10,701,955